WordPress / PHP Web Developer/Programmer Chatham Ontario Job Vacancy
We are looking for someone to join our expanding website development team.
Potential candidates should be experienced with PHP, HTML, CSS, SQL, Wordpress, Server and Linux skills are also benefician.
This is not a remote job vacancy, we would like somebody local to work from our...
Don’t be a victim of blackmail
We deliver a lot of websites for a wide variety of clients ranging from Olympic athletes to high profile business people, and everywhere in between.
There has been a disturbing trend of groups/people buying the domain name of an individual or group and then linking it off to, well lets just...
Buying Links For Your Website To Help SEO
Many of our clients ask if they should buy links to improve their SEO. The long and the short of it is, never buy links. Almost all the links that you will be offered to buy will be from disreputable, spammy, shady and social networking sites. When Google looks at...
Domain Registry of Canada Requests – SCAM
A company called "Domain Registry of Canada" sends mass volumes of postal mail directly to domain owners. The letters are designed to appear as though the Domain Registry of Canada is some sort of official government organization or is somehow related to the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA). They even...
Customizing the Admin Panel CSS (The Smart Way)
Wordpress is a great CMS, but out of the box the administration panel is quite generic. When designing a good website, making the administration panel usable makes the difference between a good site and a great site.
Adding custom CSS styles to your page templates is a snap, simply add a...
Better WordPress Subpage Navigation
Wordpress was originally designed as a blogging platform, and has evolved into a full-blown content management system. For all of its greatness, there are a few features that just seem to be missing.
On nearly every site I build, I use a sub-page navigation widget in the page sidebar. This could...
Custom Post Types for SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO for short) is probably the single-most important aspect of a good website. Having a nice looking website is great, but if no one can find your website then it might as well not be online at all.
Search engines are robots which do their best to understand...
Better Administration Panels
Content management is a necessity for any website. Gone are the days of calling your web developer to make small changes, modern content management systems (or CMS for short) put the power to update your website in your hands.
Unfortunately, just because a website is content managed doesn't mean it will...
Sitting back and reflecting…
Last week a few co-workers and myself went to Frendz after work.
While sitting back, taking in the conversations, sounds of King street and the tasty smells wafting from the kitchen, I reflected on the wonderful experience I had helping Tina Mesquita & Jennifer Macdonald of Frendz bring their establishment to...
Retrofest 2013 A True Community Event
The Historic Downtown Chatham BIA would like to thank all of the community partners that made Retrofest 2013 not only possible, but a resounding success. “It truly was a community event this year,” says Connie Beneteau, the BIA representative for Retrofest 2013. “The Retrofest Steering Committee worked as a team,...
Recent posts
WordPress / PHP Web Developer/Programmer Chatham Ontario Job Vacancy July 28, 2014
Don’t be a victim of blackmail June 30, 2014
Buying Links For Your Website To Help SEO April 22, 2014
Domain Registry of Canada Requests – SCAM July 30, 2013
Customizing the Admin Panel CSS (The Smart Way) July 03, 2013