Better Administration Panels
Content management is a necessity for any website. Gone are the days of calling your web developer to make small changes, modern content management systems (or CMS for short) put the power to update your website in your hands.
Unfortunately, just because a website is content managed doesn’t mean it will be easy or intuitive to use. Many web developers will roll out a site for a client without taking any time to improve the administration panel. This results in having to work in roundabout ways to achieve what should be simple tasks.
The image above shows what users will see when they view the website; a very clean, stylish design. So how would the website owner create this element? Before modern CMS, a developer might manually create this layout as a flat image, which is the worst method since search engines cannot index an image. Most developers who use a CMS would probably use the built in content editor to create the layout, like what you see below.
I suppose this method works, but it leaves a lot to be desired. What do you do it you accidentally delete the link? What happens if you accidentally end up with an extra line break? What if you don’t use the correct formatting? What if you forget which text size creates which colour and size of text?
At A. Thiel Marketing, we not only create stunning layouts, we create administration panels that real people can use. In the example below, you will see that each element of the layout has its own space which avoids formatting issues. Also, we make a point of putting notes on any fields which have special requirements. This means that you will be able to manage your own content without frustration, and without having to call your developer for assistance.
If your CMS is difficult to use, we can put the power back in your hands. When you have the ability to manage your content fast, you’ll be more likely to keep your content up to date, which improves your search engine ranking. Being on top of the Google and other search engines translates to more page views, and more sales. Give us a call at 519.397.4444 to learn how we can make your CMS excel.
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